Write a letter to President Rodrigo Duterte urging him to issue an Executive Order banning aerial spraying of pesticides in banana plantations.
The Office of the President is currently deliberating the petition to ban aerial spraying of pesticides in banana plantations. Help stop this unconscionable practice and protect the rights of thousands of affected farming communities to life, health and a clean environment.
Sample Letter:
“Dear President Duterte,
I am one with the communities in aerial spraying villages from various banana-growing provinces in southern Philippines who are asserting their inherent right not to be harmed by aerial pesticide operations. I support their just quest to keep harmful chemicals away from their bodies, homes and farms. Aerial spraying of toxic chemicals is a clear and present assault against individual and collective rights. The welfare of rural families should never be compromised for corporate profit.
Please immediately issue an Executive Order banning aerial spraying in the country. The clamor or the affected communities and the position of the Department of Health and the Commission on Human Rights that aerial spraying must be immediately stopped are strong enough bases for this.”
“Dear President Duterte,
During the campaign, you said that you support the stand of the Department of Health that aerial spraying must be banned. I call on you now to act on your campaign stand and issue an Executive Order banning aerial spraying. Aerial spraying of toxic chemicals is a clear and present assault against individual and collective rights. The welfare of rural families should never be compromised for corporate profit.”
Write the electronic letter to the President at https://www.president.gov.ph/contact/default.aspx or mail/fax letter at:
Republic of the Philippines
New Executive Building
Malacañang Palace Compound J. P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila
Trunk line: 02 784 4286; 02 734 7084 F
Alternatively , you could write the following government agencies- DOH, DENR, DA/FPA, DTI, PCSD and CHR – and urge them to conduct an impact study and include affected communities in the discussions related to this issue.
You can also write the Supreme Court and ask it to resolve the issue in favor of the affected communities and the local government of Davao.
Remind both the heads of these two branches of government that the Philippines is a signatory to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 which declared that the precautionary principle shall be widely applied by the States in protecting the environment.
Send letters to:
DOH Sec. Enrique Ona : F +63 02 7431829
NEDA Sec. Arsenio M. Balicasa : F +63 02 6313747; email – pcsd@neda.gov.ph
DENR Sec. Ramon J.P. Paje : F +63-2-920-4301; email add- osec@denr.gov.ph
DA Sec. Proceso J. Alcala : F +63-2-929-8183; email add- spja_osec@da.gov.ph or
DTI Sec. Gregory L. Domingo : F +63-2- 896-1166; email add- secretary@dti.gov.ph
CHR Chairperson Etta Rosales : F +63-2-929-0102; email add- chair.rosales.chr@gmail.com
Supreme Court:
Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno: Enbanc – Telefax (02) 525-3208