We strengthen and broaden partnerships for watershed protection.
In watershed management, all peoples are stakeholders because everyone needs and uses water. At IDIS, we have mapped out our stakeholders and ensure that we strengthen and maintain our partnership with those identified high influence and high stake decision-makers in government. We are also committed to share our experiences and build capacities of our community-based and other NGO partners. In recognition of the national and international scope and connections of some of our advocacies, we also participate actively and maintain relations with various networks.
Local Special Bodies
Executive Committee and Local Zoning Review Committee: IDIS pushed for the passage of the resolution banning single-use plastics in all local special bodies meetings, events and activities; lobbied for the approval of the UEESZ guidelines which then endorsed as a supplementary ordinance to the Zoning Ordinance of Davao City; Opposed all quarry applications, lobbied for the first CDC-CSOs assembly and more CSO’s participation in the review of the Davao City CLUP.
Watershed Management Council: Lobbied for immediate response to Bantay Bukid reports on existing poultry farms within Panigan-Tamugan watershed; participated in inspection visits of the Watershed Multipartite Monitoring Team resulting in closure of 2 illegal poultry establishments and banana plantation location in a conservation area; lobbied for budget for resumption of ground delineation resulting in P19M committed by Mayor Sara Duterte during the 5th Annual Watershed Summit and adoptionof Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance.
Water Quality Management Alliance (WQMA): IDIS represents WMC in this body under the Environmental Management Bureau created through Clean Water Act. IDIS lobbied to organize communities for a community-based water quality monitoring in Davao River and Talomo River and continue to share communitybased water monitoring results.
Airshed Governing Board: IDIS sits in as an NGO representative in this multistakeholder body created under the Clean Air Act recommended to revive the setting up of air quality monitoring boards in industrial zones for public information on pollutants.
Davao River Basin Management Alliance: IDIS sits in as an NGO member to the DRBMA Board, an alliance between Bukidnon Watershed Management Council and Davao City Watershed Management Council. DRBMA and Davao City signed MOU last June 2018 during the Watershed Summit indicating their willingness to collaborate in ensuring the protection and management of Davao River Basin.
Davao City Convergence Initiative (DCCI): Working Group. IDIS sits as a member of this convergence of regional and local government agencies contributing in policy advocacy and IEC activities for organic agriculture and watershed management.
Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Network: IDIS actively participated in regular meetings and activities, including the PGS Summit 2018 of this local committee that assists accreditation of small organic farmers and producers in Davao City.
Technical Committee on Organic Agriculture (TCOA): Lobbied for the declaration of Sibulan as OA zone; initiated the drafting of the ordinance supporting the declaration; actively participated in meetings and activities related to the promotion and implementation of Organic Agriculture Ordinance.
Local and Regional Networks
Sustainable Davao Movement: Conducted SDG Symposium engaging the youth in their research to be used in policy development, capacity building on GIS and policy advocacy training, inputs during committee hearings to push for the Biking Day/Hour Ordinance. Supported the passage of Parks Management Code, Permeable Pavement Ordinance and other green ordinances in Davao City.
DKA/kfb Mindanao Partners: IDIS co-organized the Women and Environment Forum in March with DKA partners; World Food Day celebration; participated in the Lau Datu Si reflection session and participated in the Annual DKA Mindanao Partners Meeting. Go Organic Davao City: Re-convened and planned for the revival of anti-GMO campaign.
Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. –Davao Region Cluster: IDIS co-organized the Women and Environment Forum last March with PMPDRC members. IDIS community partners joined other Mindanao delegates to support theSALAKYAG (Sama-samang Sakay Lakad Layag para sa Sang Nilikha) Trans-Philippines caravan last May 2018. IDIS also continue to participate in the Rights of Nature campaign.
Ecowaste Coalition and No Burn Pilipinas: NoBurn Pilipinas campaign launched in Mindanao; IDIS elected as new board member of Ecowaste Coalition representing the Mindanao/Davao region partners.
International Networks
Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC), Alter Trade Japan (ATJ) and Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia (APLA): Launching of the Ethical Banana Campaign in Japan last July 2018
International POPs (persistent organic pollutants) Elimination Network (IPEN) Southeast Asia: IDIS has been officially welcomed as a new participating organization of IPEN last October 2018. Participating organizations in this international network are working for a toxics free world.