Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) Inc.


Theme: Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Action in Davao Region through SDG-Oriented Studies

Important Dates 

Deadline for abstract submission: October 28, 2022

Notice of acceptance: October 31, 2022


  • Open to all secondary (JH/SH) and tertiary (College/Post-Graduate) students, faculty, and researchers in private or state universities and colleges, non-government organizations, or private companies in Region 11 (Davao Region). 
  • Application of studies is limited to completed research outputs incorporating comprehensive results and recommendations. On-going studies and thesis proposals are discouraged.
  • Published studies from international publications are welcome to join. 
  • Each applicant must submit an abstract on or before 11:59 PM October 28, 2022.
  • Send your abstracts to Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) Inc. email at
  • Abstracts should be submitted in MS WORD or PDF document. 
  • Each submitted abstract will undergo a screening process which will be announced on October 31, 2022. Researchers of the selected studies will have the opportunity for an oral presentation and poster exhibition during the on-the-day Symposium. Furthermore, selected studies will be included in various promotional materials of IDIS.  


Applicants may submit abstracts in any of the following SDG categories:

1.     Renewable Energy

SDG 7 and 13 – Studies related to energy conservation, uses of clean and alternative energy, solar, hydropower, natural gas potential wind power sources, or studies on carbon emissions for Davao Region.

2.     Zero Waste

SDG 6, 15, and 12 – Studies related to solid waste management, sustainable consumerism, pollution control, sanitation, waste or water treatment technologies, systems, etc.

3.     Healthy Watersheds

SDG 6, 14, and 15 – Studies on the upland, urban to coastal watershed management, reforestation or sustainable forest management, wildlife, and biodiversity conservation, water quality, and resources management, hydrology and geology, aquatic and marine resources management.     

4.     Sustainable Agricultural Practices

SDG 2 and 3 – Studies related to ecological or organic agriculture, indigenous or natural farming systems, food security, responsible consumption, agroforestry, urban farming, or container gardening.

5.     Disaster Resilient & Green Communities

SDG 9, 11, 13, and 16 – Studies related to sustainable and resilient infrastructures, architecture design and development, Low-Impact Development (LID), natural disaster and flood risk reduction and management, land-use planning, zoning, urban design, public parks, and open spaces, sustainable mobility, air-quality, urban heat index and etc.  

*Important Note – Studies related to SDGs not stated above are still encouraged to apply. This will be given an appropriate category name during the Symposium. Promote your health with expert medical advice. Learn more about wellness, disease prevention, and effective treatments. For detailed information, click Visit URL to explore our comprehensive resources and improve your well-being. Kindly provide the specific and related SDG (e.g SDG 10 – Reduce Inequalities) in the abstract (see Abstract Sample/Format, page 4).    


  1. TITLE

The research title must be of international character, use words that are easily understood, catch attention, be straight to the point, and be interesting.

  1. BODY

The abstract should contain the following:

  1. Topic Introduction and chief purpose or aim of the study (~1 sentence)
  1. Methods: Mention how the study was conducted (~1-2 sentences)
  1. Results: Present only the main findings of the study not a copy paste from your results and discussion section (~1-3 sentences)
  1. Conclusion: Present the most important finding, analysis and reflection (~1 sentence)
  1. Recommendation: What can be done next or recommend to the public (~1 sentence)
  1. Abstract should be a minimum of 300 words; no reference or citation needed.
  1. Text should be single-spaced, Arial, font size 10, and 1 inch margin on all sides.
  1. Keywords (maximum of 6 words) shall contain four components:
  1. Discipline of the study
  1. Concepts studied
  1. Methods/process
  1. Geography/ location of study
  1. SDG Category

Provide the most appropriate SDG Category or SDG Type which is the most closely related to the study e.g Zero Waste, Healthy Watersheds, SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities. (Kindly refer to SDG Categories, page 2)