Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) Inc.

Bantay Kinaiyahan is the quarterly newsletter of IDIS  which focuses on watershed and organic farming issues.

BK Call of the River featured image

Call of the River

Ever wondered how rivers are formed?  the role rivers play in our environment?  how many Philippine rivers are dead? what causes a river to die? the significance of the Davao River?  This primer tells you the answers to these        questions and more.

BK Water for Life featured imageWater for Life, Clean and Abundant Water for All

Find out about the water cycle, the role of forests and trees in producing water, how much freshwater we have  on earth and how the supply of our freshwater is undermined because of what people do. Learn also many  interesting tidbits about water including what you can do to take care of our water resources.

BK Pesticides and Monoculture featured image

Pesticides and  Monocultures

Did you know that 48 people per minute are poisoned by pesticides? That the Philippines continue to use pesticides that  are already banned in other countries? Find out what chemical companies don’t want you to know  about pesticides. Learn as well how monoculture farms add to the pesticide menace.

BK Buffer Zone featured image

Agricultural Buffer Zones

Proper buffer zones along plantations and other large-scale agro-industrial projects  are very important in protecting the water resources in the uplands. Learn how a multi-purpose buffer zone is essential in watershed  management. Take   a look into a variety of buffer zone types which are applicable in a watershed setting.

BK Watershed Code

 A Primer on Davao City’s Watershed Code Ordinance of 2007

Learn about the salient features of the Watershed Code. This issue identifies the initial watershed areas covered by the ordinance. It also defines the environmentally critical areas that are protected under the Code, along with the corresponding penalties for violation of the  Code.

BK Rainwater Harvesting featured imageA Primer on the Davao City Rainwater Ordinance of 2009

Davao City passes a Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance which promotes the use of rainwater for cleaning and other non-potable uses. Learn about its salient features

BK Watersheds and Climate Change featured image

Watersheds and Climate Change

 Find out how watersheds can mitigate the negative impact of climate change.  Learn how the use of native trees in watershed reforestation projects can lead to a climate-resilient forest cover.


BKShrineHillsIssue The Greening of Shrine Hills

Find out how Shrine Hills can be Davao’s answer to New York’s Central Park.  As Davao strives to become sustainable and ecologically-friendly, developing Shrine Hills as an eco-zone is a potent strategy for the city to be able to withstand the challenges of climate change.


Monitoring our River Waters

Learn how to conduct basic water quality monitoring in your river.  Let the community volunteer group, the Bantayo Aweg, show you how they monitor the quality of the water of the Panigan-Tamugan river system, Davao’s future source of drinking water.