We advocate and lobby for policy solutions to environmental challenges.
By advocate, we mean that we argue in favor of a particular cause for the environment and call for greater public support. For example, we meet with a government official and explain how a particular issue is affecting a community and call on him or her to respond accordingly.
By lobbying, we intend to influence decisions of government officials, including legislators and members of regulatory agencies to align in favor of our advocacies. For example, we generate petition papers and convince lawmakers to vote for or against, amend or introduce a particular legislation.
At IDIS, we familiarize ourselves with the policy development cycle of the local legislative process and the planning cycles and monitoring schedules of the Executive department and national agencies.
Specifically, we engage in policy and advocacy work through:
- Membership in Government Special Bodies – To ensure that the public interest and welfare (right to healthful and balanced ecology) is given a primordial consideration in every development planned and regulated through enforcement of existing policies.
- Participation in Public Hearings – To ensure that public consultation is properly observed and that the interest of the public are promoted and protected.
- Lobbying with Public Officials – To ensure and gather support from the influencers and policy makers.
- Conduct research and present results to public – To come up with evidence-based policies and recommendations to government
- Promotion of Green Initiatives and Practices – To showcase sustainable solutions to the government and the private sector for adoption or replication
- Support to and Conduct of Environmental Events – To provide an avenue for knowledge sharing, tactic sessions, planning and networking among stakeholders.
Read IDIS’ step-by-step guide to policy lobbying.
PROBLEM: Flooding in urban centers due to conversion of green spaces to paved/concrete infrastructures
POLICY SOLUTION: Permeable Pavements
PROBLEM: Disease, biodiversity loss, lack of access to safe, healthy food
POLICY SOLUTION: Declaration of Organic Agriculture Zone