Call for Papers – Sustainable Davao Research Symposium 2018
Save the dates and check out the details in submitting abstracts of your research on any of the categories towards sustainable Davao city: renewable energy, zero waste, healthy watersheds, sustainable agriculture and disaster-resilient and green communities. Download Abstract Guidelines Download Program Design
Shrine Hills is Davao’s Urban Center Bird Refuge
As many as 72 species of birds have been documented in Davao City’s Shrine Hills. Twenty of these recorded birds are found only in the Philippines. The area is seen as an urban forest, a much needed green space in the urban district and hailed as the city’s last potential large-tier park based on the public parks study in Davao by New York University. Environmental groups are advocating for Shrine Hills’ continued protection and are proposing the privately-owned publicly open spaces (POPOS) concept as a win-win solution for land owners who want to develop their properties for business. “We managed an impressive 26 species on the day and the total species recorded in the Shrine Hills area now numbers 72, 20 of which are endemic,” said Pete Simpson, Wild Bird Club of the Philippines, who has been making records of birds for Jacks Ridge and other areas in Shrine Hills.
Make Shrine Hills Publicly Accessible Open Space
Davao City — Environmental groups are pushing for a win-win solution to protect Shrine Hills while providing private developers returns for their investments through the adoption of the privately-owned publicly open spaces (POPOS) concept in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. Ecoteneo and Interface Development Interventions (IDIS), NGO members of the Local Zoning Review Committee, along with Davao Shrine Hills Advocates (DSHA) and members of the Sustainable Davao Movement, have proposed amendments to the Urban Ecological Enhancement Sub-Zone provision of the city’s Zoning Ordinance. The proposal endorsed was due for plenary presentation in the City Council session last March 9 but was reverted back to the committee level with the directive to ensure attendance of Shrine Hills land developers who were no-shows during the last hearings. The committee hearing with Shrine Hills land developers has been moved to April 11, 2018 Wednesday at the SP Session Hall.
LUNHAW AWARDS expands to youth and government sectors
Davao City’s annual awards for environmental initiatives brings the spotlight to the youth and the government sector this year, recognizing their critical role in the long-term success of environmental efforts in the city. Lunhaw Awards, now on its 6th year, has added youth category for its Green Champion Award and encouraged barangay-led and city government-led efforts for the LGU-initiatives Award. The past five years recognized individuals and organizations from the academe, private sector and CSOs.