Organic farm advocates hail CA ruling on GMOs
DAVAO CITY—Euphoric over the Court of Appeals (CA) ruling against the field testing of genetically modified Bt eggplants, organic farming advocates are calling for a ban on a genetically modified breed of rice known as Golden Rice. Golden Rice contains beta carotene as a source of Vitamin A and is being developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Alfie Pulumbarit, advocacy officer of the nongovernment Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-Unlad ng Agrikultura (Masipag) based in Los Baños, Laguna, said the IRRI is “done testing the Golden Rice in five sites and is moving on to the efficacy tests, meaning on humans, but without testing it first on animals or conducting toxicity tests to make sure it’s safe.” “Is there really a need for alternate sources of Vitamin A other than what nature provided us?” said Ann Fuertes, executive director of the Interface for Development Intervention. Proponents touted the Golden Rice as the “answer” to Vitamin A deficiency among children but Fuertes said a steady consumption of fresh vegetables is effective as well. “A daily diet of green and yellow vegetables and fruits, including sweet potato, is enough to ensure that our bodies get the right amount of Vitamin A,” she said. The Philippine National Nutrition Council reported that the number of children suffering from Vitamin A deficiency has declined from 38 percent in 1998 to only 15.2 percent in 2008, Masipag said. Organic farming advocates expressed concern that Golden Rice may just be a “Trojan horse,” paving the way for the entry of other genetically modified crops in the country. Dr. Chito Medina, Masipag national coordinator, said the absence of sufficient tests should be a grave concern. Fuertes said the country should adopt a national policy to prevent the spread of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). “Now that the government has the National Organic Agriculture Act, it makes sense to have a more encompassing national policy to ban GMOs nationwide,” Fuertes said. “The principles of organic farming and genetically modified organisms are incompatible,” Fuertes added. “Many countries have in fact already declared a moratorium on GMOs. It’s about time that the Philippines follows suit,” she said. The Inquirer on Monday tried to seek comment from Dr. Desiree Hautea, one of the lead scientist-proponents of Bt eggplants, but she was unavailable for an interview. Aside from Bt eggplants, Masipag also opposes the testing of other genetically modified crops, such as corn, abaca, cassava and papaya, which are separately being conducted by government and private agencies. (Germelina Lacorte, Inquirer Mindanao and Maricar Cinco, Inquirer Southern Luzon)
Davao reefs in ‘dismal state’
DAVAO CITY — Silt coming from the deforested upland slopes along Davao’s watershed areas is putting the coastal biodiversity in peril, according to a watershed profile study commissioned by the Interface Development Interventions (Idis). In a statement emailed to Sun.Star Davao, Idis said siltation, previous blast fishing, and wave action have been identified as the reasons why the reefs of the seven coastal barangays belonging to the Talomo-Lipadas and Panigan-Tamugan watershed system are in a “dismal state.” “Based on the documents we have reviewed for this study, the coastal resources of these communities, particularly in five of them, is in poor condition,” said Philippine Eagle Foundation (Pefi) Conservation Director Jayson Ybanez, who presented the study at the Ateneo de Davao University last month. The communities identified were Bago Aplaya, Binugao, Daliao, Lizada, and Sirawan in Toril District. Idis commissioned Pefi, led by Ybanez as the lead researcher, to conduct the Resource and Socio-Economic Profile for the Talomo-Lipadas and Panigan-Tamugan watersheds. Funding for this study was made possible through a grant from the United States Agency for International Aid (USAid) under the Foundation for the Philippine Environment’s Upscaling Forest Reforestation Efforts in Key Biodiversity Areas Project. Other than the coral reefs, Ybanez also said that the area’s mangrove habitats, which used to be dense, are also disappearing. “The earliest data we have is from 1956, when there used to be 154 hectares of mangrove forests. In 2001, this was reduced to 51 hectares,” he said. The threats to these habitats are alarming since it leads to loss of species diversity. Ybanez’s research team has already documented at least two threatened species of mangrove trees. “These two are locally known as Tiduk-tidukan and Piapi,” Ybanez said. The survey team was also able to document the existence of five species of pawikan, which are now classified as “threatened species” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. These are the Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback and Green Sea turtles. Idis Executive Director Ann Fuertes said that this situation underscores how extensive the impact of the watersheds is for Dabawenyos. “Because watersheds catch the rain and send it out to the sea together with the accumulated soil, pesticides, garbage and other pollutants, they are good focal points for sustainably managing our city’s coastal resources,” she said. “What we are seeing now is that there is a direct causal linkage between the threats to the upland and marine environments. If there is deforestation in our watersheds, the silt will come down and destroy the corals and mangroves on which our fisheries depend on. Toxic pesticides in the run-off will kill the marine biodiversity which is present in our waters, she added. “Given this scenario, it is imperative to address these linkages and the root causes in a sustainable and comprehensive manner at the socio-economic and policy level so that we can protect and restore what is left of these ecosystems,” Fuertes said. (Arianne Caryl N. Casas- SunStar Davao/Sunnex)
Animals, some rare, now threatened by poisonous chemicals in Davao watersheds
Davao City – A team of wildlife researchers from the Philippine Eagle Foundation, Inc. (PEF) has found that the remnant of lowland dipterocarp forests in the Talomo-Lipadas and Panigan-Tamugan (TL-PT) Watersheds, the current and future source of Davao’s drinking water, is the habitat of some twenty eight species that can only be found in the Philippines. “We were able to document 171 vertebrate species, 28 of which are endemic to the Philippines”, said lead researcher PEF Conservation Director Jayson Ybanez who presented the study at the Ateneo de Davao University last April 15, 2013. The survey is part of the TL-PT Watershed Resource and Socio-Economic Profile, which aims to provide technical information to help stakeholders identify and plan the most cost effective way to protect and manage the watersheds. The study revealed that the TL-PT Watersheds is home to the Philippine eagle, the Tarictic hornbill, the rare Mindanao montane racquet tail, the Mindanao scops forest owl, the Mindanao fruit bat, the Philippine flying lemur and the Philippine pygmy squirrel. The team also observed at least two critically endangered tree species as classified by the IUCN. These are the White miranti and the Tanguile species. The Interface Development Interventions, Inc. (IDIS) which commissioned the study under a grant from the Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) said that the findings underscore the importance of the TL-PT watersheds. “The richness of the biodiversity in the remaining forest cover of the watersheds should impel every Dabawenyo to protect the watersheds. As reservoirs of biodiversity, these forests are essential to the survival of our endemic species.”, said IDIS Executive Director Ann Fuertes. However, unsustainable agriculture, illegal logging and population pressure continue to threaten these fragile habitats and may force twenty eight of these species into extinction, according to the report. “One of the threats that we found out is that slowly, banana plantations and farms are slowly encroaching towards the forest, even in areas which are considered environmentally critical areas as defined in the Watershed Code.”, said Ybanez. In addition, with only the Malagos watershed as the sole remaining lowland forest that can support these species, it may take some time before the current reforestation initiatives bear fruit and allow these species to thrive again in the watersheds. The proponents of the research urge that a more holistic and inclusive approach should be undertaken in order to conserve the remaining species and habitats and to sustainably rehabilitate the deforested slopes. This include the use of convergence-building efforts which promote open, participative and effective processes in addressing issues of conservation and resource management. “Adaptive management would be a good scheme, wherein interventions are considered experiments where you refine your way of doing conservation and through that, all of your partners learn through doing.”, said Ybanez. ( MINDANAO DAILY MIRROR)
Plant, animal species at risk in Davao watershed areas
DAVAO CITY — Twenty-eight species of plants and animals inhabiting forested areas in the city limits — particularly those in Talomo-Lipadas and Panigan-Tamugan watersheds — remain at risk due to deforestation, an environmental group said. In time for yesterday’s Earth Day observance, the Interface Development Interventions, Inc. (IDIS) has renewed its call for the conservation of watershed areas. The 28 species under threat were identified through a survey and study commissioned by IDIS to the Philippine Eagle Foundation under a grant from the Foundation for the Philippine Environment with a budget of P750,000. Based on the survey, dipterocarp forest of hardwood and tropical trees are the most threatened as the areas examined continue to attract illegal loggers and small farmers. The study also showed that watershed areas are now penetrated by plantations that resulted in the discovery of banned and harmful pesticides. According to the study, the researchers recommended an integrated approach that include achieving clear biodiversity conservation results and utilizing systematic monitoring strategies. It also recommended the tapping of the community-based residents and natives as primary stakeholders to insure inclusion of indigenous communities in watershed management initiatives. The Talomo-Lipadas and the Panigan-Tamugan watersheds are the chief sources of water for this city’s 1.5 million dwellers. While water supply in the city has remained adequate, both civil society and the Davao City Water District have expressed concern on water quality in the near and medium terms. Mary Ann V. Fuertes, IDIS executive director, said the study was presented last week to the Environmental Management Bureau, the city council’s committee on health, schools, and other civil society groups. “This is to highlight or a call for reflection on what we have done to nature. Watersheds are under threat and there is a need for immediate action for a long-term and sustainable management plan for our watersheds,” she said. (Maya M. Padillo, BusinessWorld)
Pesticides: Deadly persistence
THE air and water of Davao City’s Panigan-Tamugan and Talomo-Lipadas watersheds may not be as pristine as they seem. A study conducted by Interface Development Interventions Incorporated (IDIS) revealed that 18 pesticides and breakdown products have been detected in the area’s air and that 17 pesticides and breakdown products were detected in the area’s water. Traces of 12 banned pesticides or breakdown products were found in both the air and water. Banned pesticides found to be polluting the area are Alrdin and Dieldrin, DDT, Gamma Chlordane and Lindane. Researchers were unable to pinpoint the exact sources of the pesticides but plantations upstream are most likely the culprits. IDIS revealed the results of their study last Monday in the Board Room of Ateneo de Davao University’s Jacinto campus. Dr. Romeo Quijano, adviser for the study, explained the presence of the banned pesticides as they were classified as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), which are chemicals that can take years before they fully degrade. The pesticide residue, as explained by the research, spreads through natural environmental occurrence, as traces of the pesticide can be found in surface water, which can then reach other places by evaporating and then being deposited in land once more through rainfall. This cycle, coupled with pesticide’s persistent nature, makes it a dangerous presence in a land dominated by agricultural activity, such as the Davao region. It is alarming then, that two of Davao’s watersheds are polluted with pesticide sentiments that cannot be easily detected by plain human senses. People could be ingesting large amounts of pollutants everyday without even realizing it. Take for example, the amount of pollutants IDIS found to be in the air. IDIS set up sampling stations in three schools to identify potential threats of pesticide pollution in the air. Using a drift catcher, IDIS found that the Baguio High School of Agriculture in Tawantawan, Vinzons Elementary School in Manuel Guianga and the Baracayo Elementary School in Daliaon Plantation were under great risk. Traces of seven of the pesticides found in the air were found to have exceeded the Reference Exposure Level (REL) at least once during the 24 day sampling period. The REL determines the “acceptable” amount of exposure of people to pesticides, and the air surrounding the three schools was found to be polluted beyond what the RELs deem acceptable. Moreover, the samples rarely contained traces of just one pesticide. Findings of the study show that there is an average of at least two kinds of pesticides present in the air collected from the sampling stations in the schools, while the air in Baracayo Elementary School yielded traces of a whopping eight pesticides, seven of which are banned. The multiple pollutants cause a threat which researchers are unable to draw conclusions upon, as there have been no studies to determine risk from exposure to multiple pesticides. Anne Fuertes, executive director of IDIS noted that it is possible that in the presence of other pesticides, a single pesticide may react and yield greater toxicity. Taking into account the persistent nature of the pesticides, it is even more fearful that people are subject to long-term exposure to the pesticides. Even the watershed’s rivers showed long-term pollution from the pesticides. Over an eight-month period of water sampling, the Tamugan and Panigan Rivers showed the presence of six and seven pesticides, respectively. Four pollutants were also detected in the Panigan-Tamugan junction while six pollutants were present in the Wines-Gumalang river junction. Finally the Gumalang River yielded the highest number of pollutants with 11 pesticides detected. Risk assessment could not be made for pesticides in water, however, as only short term studies on it have been made. Even without risk assessment, however, pesticides level in air has already been shown to exceed RELs. Moreover, the traces of persistent pesticides in the water put the surrounding areas at risk of exposure to multiple pesticides from multiple sources. For a region that thrives much on agriculture, the amount of pollution in the watershed poses a great threat to the production of crops, but more importantly, the amount of pollution poses a great threat to its people. The people in the region, especially those living close to the sources of pollution are vulnerable and IDIS has come up with policy recommendations to counter these problems. IDIS will be moving on to long-term monitoring of the polluted areas to come up with more comprehensive data for policy makers. Until the policy makers make a definite move to clean up the pesticide-laden practices of farmers, however, the seeming clean air and water around the Talomo-Lipadas and Panigan-Tamugan will remain a threat to the communities surrounding them. (Ed Lactaoen, Sunstar Davao)
Toxins in water: Seven banned chemicals found in city’s watersheds- according to study
Davao City’s main sources of drinking water are contaminated by eight types of pesticides, seven of which are banned from use, the study by the Interface Development Interventions revealed.According to the study presented during a forum in Ateneo de Davao University yesterday, the sampled waters were taken from Panigan-Tamugan and Talomo- Lipadas and their junctions. “These are what we call persistent pollutants,” said toxicologist Romeo Quijano of UP Manila, meaning that these chemicals released years ago and banned after they were found to be harmful to humans and the environment. Traces of the banned pesticides dieldrin, aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, lindane, endrin and DDT were discovered in the samples, he said. Quijano said that while there are ways to sequester chemicals from the water to make it potable, such as carbon filtration method, but it only works if the body of water contained the lowest concentration of toxic substances. Armand Pacudan, Mindanao operations manager of the Foundation for the Philippine Environment, said while the water’s toxicity levels are manageable, the communities and the ecosystem surrounding the watersheds are endangered. IDIS executive director Anne Fuertes said that their organization is finding it difficult to obtain consistent information that can then enable them to pinpoint from where exactly these chemicals are coming from, whether from nearby plantations or if they predate the plantations. “Although we are not in the business of pointing them out, we have to at least identify them,” she said of the plantations or factories operating near the watersheds. “Along with this is the proposal of how to make them find and use alternatives to chemical pesticides,” she said. The study was funded on a budget of P500, 000 from DKA Austria and the Misereor of Germany. Most of the money went to lab and field equipment. She said that with the results of the 8-month study, IDIS as well as other stakeholders are hoping the government; both national and local, can come up with policies to regulate and standardize the use and disposal of chemicals, as well put up consistent monitoring on the health of families in large plantations through multi-sectoral cooperation. (SALUD ISABEL PETALCORIN, Mindanao Times)