IDIS 2020 Annual Report

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IDIS 2019 Annual Report

We share with you IDIS’ milestones and challenges on our 20th Anniversary in 2019. Let us look back on the results of our concerted efforts in pushing for environmental policies, promoting replicable practices, and partnerships in various initiatives.
IDIS Annual Report 2018

2018 was a fruitful year for environmental policy work in Davao City with at least four ordinances passed, including the long-awaited declaration of Brgy. Sibulan as an organic zone and the amendments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance to protect the Urban Ecological Enhancement Sub-Zone portion of Shrine Hills. Green practices continued to be replicated from private individuals and organizations to the Local Government Units who were recognized for the first time in last year’s Lunhaw Awards. Partnerships likewise expanded in 2018 to South Central Mindanao as well as with international organizations in Japan for anti-aerial spraying campaign and IPEN for our campaign against toxic chemicals. Download full report here – Annual Report 2018 (link).