Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) Inc.

Davao City’s annual awards for environmental initiatives brings the spotlight to the youth and the government sector this year, recognizing their critical role in the long-term success of environmental efforts in the city.

Lunhaw Awards, now on its 6th year, has added youth category for its Green Champion Award and encouraged barangay-led and city government-led efforts for the LGU-initiatives Award. The past five years recognized individuals and organizations from the academe, private sector and CSOs.

“The success of Lunhaw Awards is measured in the replication and continuation of the environment-friendly practices so we can achieve our vision of a greener and sustainable Davao City. And what better way to ensure this than involving the young people, the next generation of environmental advocates, and the government sector, who has the legal mandate to protect our environment,” explained IDIS Acting Director Chinkie Pelino-Golle.

Investing in the youth has been repeatedly emphasized in this year’s meetings of both Lunhaw Organizers and the Lunhaw Network, composed of past winners and finalists.

City Agriculturist Office OIC Leo Bryan Leuterio expressed the need develop Lunhaw to a wider spectrum audience such as the youth, possibly tapping students below 18 years old.

Environmental advocate Rick Obenza likewise articulated to his fellow awardees and finalists the need to invest in young people and the value of educating them early.

Encouraging barangay and government agencies to set the example in implementing environment-friendly programs and practices is a strategic way to promote outstanding and replicable green initiatives in the city.

The Lunhaw Awards’ evolution into a program to be adopted by the City Government, beyond being an awards body, is also aimed at ensuring sustainability.

For environment advocates, whether youth or adult, to be considered for the Green Champion Award, the nominee must demonstrated at least 3 years leadership and action for the protection of the environment. The nominee will also be vetted by award organizers to ensure that s/he is not engaged in environmentally-destructive activities like mining, quarrying, logging and the like.

For barangay or local government environmental initiatives, the entries should be in compliance with existing local and national environmental policies and can be supported by appropriate local ordinances. Entries, just like in other categories, will be judged according to its sustainability, innovation and replicability.

The Lunhaw Awards official categories remain and includes Organic Agriculture, Green Building, Forest-based Initiatives, Marine Resource Management, Education and Advocacy, Pollution Control, and Energy or Water Conservation.

Lunhaw Awards is co-organized by the City Agriculturist’s Office (CAO), City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), Davao Association of Colleges and Schools (DACS), Davao City Water District (DCWD), and the Interface Development Interventions (IDIS).